Elite Academic Academy is committed to ensuring that our families have all the tools necessary to succeed. Not only do we want them to thrive in the educational space, but the mental, physical and emotional space as well. Below are a series of videos created for our families as a resource and piece of knowledge to use moving forward. We have videos discussing a parent’s relationship with their student, and we also have videos about the opportunities students have here at Elite.
Equipping Families Virtual Video Series
Parents: We know your students are your number one priority. Elite has partnered with The YouSchool to provide a Virtual Video Series for Parents, which will equip you with resources to help you and your student(s) thrive. Each Video is accompanied by a worksheet that you can download. Videos will be added weekly to this space and included in your weekly newsletter from your teacher or program director.
Raising teenagers to be thoughtful, kind, patient, and considerate is…a tall task! They can be selfish and self-consumed, unwilling to see other’s perspectives- especially at home. Parents can easily slip into only seeing the negative aspects of their kid’s behavior, and both ruin the relationship as well as contribute to more conflict. So, what can we do?
We can be on the lookout for the good parts of our kids. We can intentionally and deliberately search for ways they demonstrate kindness, generosity, or any other adult-like attribute. And then, we can point it out and celebrate it.
Kids will grow into the reflection they see, so what if we’re intentional about reflecting back the good parts at least or maybe even more than their difficult parts?
We want our kids to feel empowered to pursue their interests, passions, and develop their strengths. That’s a nice idea- but what can we do to help them on that journey?
One idea is to ask your kids to be your teacher- whether it’s a skill, an interest they have, even a video game. By taking a humble, learning posture with them, they will feel empowered and affirmed.
Physical Education Resources with PE Now: Minute to Win Challenges
Elite YouTube – Parent Video Series
With all of the different enrichment opportunities available to Elite Students, it can be tough to make a decision about what our families would like to invest their time in. We have a series of Community Partner webinars where our partners discuss their offerings and answer any questions our parents may have. We have two more meetings, and those recordings will be added here upon completion.
Community Partner Webinar Series Pt. 1 - 2021
Community Partner Webinar Series Pt. 2 - 2021
Archived YouSchool Videos
Fight Stress with Movement
Fight Stress with Laughter
Fight Stress with Breathing
Fight Stress with Friends