A tuition free, premier homeschool education tailored to meet your child’s specific needs and interests.
Elite Homeschool Academy (EHA) is for parents who are ready to take a more active role in their child’s education, and students who love the flexibility of learning from their own home! Parents work in conjunction with Elite Educators in this model. Every student benefits from the expertise and support of a California Credentialed Elite Educator.
Elite Educators work with each student and family to develop a personalized learning plan based on the student’s learning style and goals. Parents work daily with their student to complete the plan created with their Elite Educator and drive instruction to meet the student’s interest and specific needs.
Our Curriculum
One of the exciting aspects of Homeschooling with Elite is the variety of curriculum available for your child that best fits their needs. Elite Educators partner with top quality curriculum providers to ensure we meet your child’s unique learning style.
Our list of providers is always changing and growing, so see your Elite Educator for the most up-to-date options to personalize your child’s education.
High School families will collaborate with their Elite Educator and our Elite Counselor to develop a 4-Year Plan of classes and curriculum that is tailored to each child’s needs and interests.
Check out a sample schedule for an Elite Homeschool student:
Elite students enjoy a superior level of flexibility, choice and support.
The Elite Educator is the parent’s/legal guardian’s primary contact for the student’s educational needs. The Elite Educator will:
- Creates personalized learning plan, in collaboration with parents, and oversee progress towards that plan.
- Offer guidance concerning curricular choices and suggest resources to help meet student’s needs.
- Document student learning and assess progress in each of the learning periods in the academic year, in the five academic areas.
- Communicate with the parent/legal guardian and student to ensure academic success and provide weekly tutoring.
- Provide academic consultations with the parent/legal guardian and student to verify attendance, collect portfolio samples and ensure progress.
Parent support is vital in ensuring student success. The role of a parent, as the primary provider of instruction to the student at Elite Homeschool Academy, is as follows:
- Plan and implement daily lessons with the support and guidance of an Elite Educator.
- Provide academic instruction daily in two or more subjects.
- Ensure students attend and complete all mandated school assessments.
Elite Homeschool Student’s Roles are:
- Participate in 4-6 hours of educational activities per day in accordance with their individualized learning path
- Be respectful and listen to Elite Homeschool Educator, staff and parents during academic instructional time
- Openly share completed work with Elite Educator
- Ask for help when needed
- Be curious, have fun, work hard, and develop a love of learning!
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, we are a public charter school approved by both Lucerne Valley Unified School District and Mountain Empire Unified School District. We are publicly funded like traditional schools and do not charge tuition for attendance and participation in our homeschool model.
At Elite Homeschool Academy (EHA) we embrace our homeschoolers need for flexibility in how and what they learn, allowing them to learn about the “real world” by being part of it. These advantages allow homeschooled children to receive a superior education that is attuned specifically to their own needs, learning style, personality, and interests. In this independent study homeschool model, families will have the direct support of a credentialed teacher to guide them in curriculum choices, pacing, assessment and use of educational funds. As a parent you are not alone in this adventure, as our Elite Educators are here to guide, support and partner with you to ensure the academic growth of your child.
Upon enrollment parents are always encouraged to specify a teacher that would be preferred and work best for their child and family. However, we cannot guarantee placement with your preferred teacher. We will always work to accommodate you as long as the teacher has room to accept an additional student.
We are able to support all types of homeschooling philosophies as long as students are making progress. We have students who follow the Classical model, Traditional, Eclectic, Montessori, Waldorf, and Charlotte Mason models. The most important aspect of any one of these philosophies is that learning is occurring daily and that you, as the parent, are able to document the learning. We are here to help support you on the homeschooling journey. Our goal is to ensure your child becomes prepared for a vocation, college or their chosen career path.
Homeschooling multiple children can be very rewarding for the entire family! You can work with your Elite Educator in order to set goals for each child you would like to homeschool. You often can teach social studies or science together with the whole family and vary the difficulty of the work while personalizing math and language arts.
We offer a wide variety of field trips throughout the year in order to enrich the homeschooling experience. Our official field trips include science centers, theaters, farms, museums, gem & mineral exhibits, hikes, historical reenactments and so much more!
Of course! You know your child better than anyone else, and we are sure you will make a wonderful teacher. Your family will be paired with a California credentialed teacher in order to introduce you to homeschooling and guide you throughout the entire process.
Families will maintain regular communication and meet in-person or virtually via Zoom with their “Elite Educator” (teacher) at least once every 20 school days (or 1 Learning Period). At these monthly meetings, we will collaboratively evaluate instruction, curriculum, assessment and goals.
Offering our students access to high-quality materials and services is a top priority at Elite. To that end, we strive to offer quality common core aligned materials and services in all geographic areas that we serve.
The Common Core standards are not based upon specific curriculum, but rather centralized around higher-level understanding and critical thinking. Our educational philosophy aligns directly with the four C’s of Common Core: Creativity, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Communication. For more information about the Common Core Standards please contact your Elite Educator.
This is most definitely an option with us! Your Elite Educator will help you set personalized goals for your family and select curriculum that will work for you on the road. Positive life experiences such as travel can be a meaningful tool to tie into homeschooling, and we can show you how.
Great question! Home schooling differs from independent study programs due to the high level of parent/guardian involvement. In order to participate in this program effectively, students should have resources available within the home that provide them the tools to be successful in learning.
Elite has personal relationships with many online platforms, such as StrongMind and other on-line curriculum vendors. Through these platforms, we offer a diverse range of courses for high school students, including English, math, science, history, foreign language and electives.
Of course! Here at Elite Academic, we understand that online courses do not suit the needs of every child. Therefore, we have built in the option of textbooks and alternative curriculum. Our students can use a blend of online courses, textbooks and direct instruction. Your Elite Educator will help guide you through the process of picking curriculum that best suits the needs of your student.
Yes! Your Elite Educator will help match curriculum and instruction options that will mesh with you and your student. We also offer tutoring opportunities from credentialed teachers, as well as tutors through our approved vendors. Our goal is to create independent, lifelong learners such that your role as a homeschool parent is one of guidance and support rather than curriculum instruction. Let us take care of the rest!
Most definitely. In fact, this is something we highly encourage. Your student must take a minimum 20 credits with Elite Academic Academy in order to enroll into a community college. Concurrent enrollment also offers dual credit. For example, a 3-credit course at the Community College level (100 or above) equates to college credit as well as 10 credits towards Elite Academic High School Graduation Credits.
Absolutely! EHA has Special Education credentialed teachers to ensure the IEP plan is being followed or revised as neeeded for student success.