At Elite Academic Academy, students have access to incredibly entertaining, educational, and informative events involving the Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA). These VAPA events include theatre productions, dance shows, vocal concerts, movies and more. Elite’s latest musical trip was to see Anastasia at Segerstrom Center for the Arts in Orange County.

Elite’s VAPA Director has a message for the Elite families that attended the musical: What a blast Anastasia was!

I was so thrilled to see all of you turn out for a night at the theatre. The show was magical, and the cast was extraordinary. The production value alone was outstanding. The use of projections in this particular production was simply breathtaking, and I am so glad that we were able to witness it. 

I wanted to thank each of you for taking time out of your very busy schedules to come out to the theatre and go on a journey. As artists and non-artists, we need stories, we need to be uplifted, we need to escape to other worlds to grow compassion. Thank you for traveling with me on a Journey to the past! 

Elite’s next VAPA trip will be The Shakespearience – don’t miss out!


VAPA Lead James Fowler

The students and staff had a great time at the musical, and we captured some of those good times on camera. We hope to see many more of you at the next show!