Peak Performance Kick-Off 2023 at SoFi Stadium

We had a spectacular, once-in-a-lifetime kickoff to our Peak Performance Program at our SoFi event! Hundreds of students from across Southern California arrived in style with their teams via charter bus, ran out of the Rams tunnel, participated in Athletic benchmark testing on the field with Zybek sports, and had several celebrity and athletic speakers, such as actor Noel G and former NFL player Spencer Tillman. It was a night to remember! Thank you, everyone, for your attendance and support in celebrating our amazing athletes!



Elite Honored as a 2023 California Distinguished School

Elite Academic Academy-Mountain Empire has earned the honor of becoming a California Distinguished School.

This honor is a prestigious two-year honor given to the state's top-performing schools using performance indicators specified on the California School Dashboard. This is only possible due to the innovative and collaborative efforts of our fantastic teaching staff, students, parents, classified staff, community partners, and the administrative team!

Teacher Spotlight - Mrs. Catheryn Reardon, PhD

Catheryn, Reardon, PhD is an Elite educator with the Virtual Program who has been a teacher for 15 years. She loves helping students in meeting their goals to succeed! She works with students one on one, and their families, to ensure that they are progressing in their courses, and receive the support they need when challenges arise.

I am also their cheerleader when it comes to their academic progress and working towards their long term goals! I also love to support my student athletes, and those involved in the arts! I am also the content teacher for High School English in grades 11 and 12, and love to assist my content students by providing tutoring and live sessions that go over difficult concepts.

Mrs. Reardon, her husband and 2 daughters enjoying some sun!

Mrs. Reardon was inspired to get into teaching after her first of three daughters was born.

I spent my first career in journalism and publishing, but fell in love with teaching after the birth of my first daughter. I went back to school to earn my credentials to become a teacher, and then taught in the physical classroom for several years before switching to online teaching in 2008. I continued my learning so I could better serve my students in the online environment and went on to earn a Master's degree in Education, and then a Ph.D. in General Psychology in Technology and Learning. As a lifelong learner myself, I try to promote that love of learning for my students so they not only see the value of education, but how accessible it is for them too!

She really enjoys teaching at Elite and has found a home with the Virtual Program!

I love teaching in the remote environment and appreciate that this format of learning allows students to attend in a flexible setting that best meets their academic needs and busy schedules. This is a wonderful setting for many student athletes, and those who need a more flexible format of learning. It is also a wonderful option in light of current events!

We asked Mrs. Reardon what she would like to say to her current and future students:

I would tell them that I will be their biggest cheerleader, and I am on their team! I think often times it can be scary to be an online student because you are unsure of who is on the other side of the computer screen. However, I take joy in my student's successes, and in their failures too so that we can create a game plan to help them succeed. There is no one size fits all in education and it is my job to find that perfect fit for my students in their online learning so that they can gain confidence and grow as a student! :)

Mrs. Reardon definitely stays busy outside of the virtual classroom. She love to swim and take long walks, watch her daughter's Water Polo teams, and attend many athletic events. She is a huge Disneyland fan, or in her words, a "Disney Geek"! Our Elite Virtual students are very lucky to have such a caring, experienced and hands on teacher. Thank you Mrs. Reardon for everything that you bring to Elite Academic Academy!

UCR College

Explore Colleges Virtually

By Salvador Becerra, School Counselor

UCR CollegeThere is no time like the present to start exploring academic programs that colleges/universities have to offer. Do you want to attend a school next to the beach? Do you want to attend a school with over 30,000 students on campus? Or would you rather attend a smaller college/university where you can receive a more personal approach to your education? All these questions are important as it can help you select the college/university that is right for you. 

Here are 5 helpful tips in finding the college that is right for you

  1. Develop a short list of schools you would like to attend.
  2. Rank your priorities in what you are looking for in a college.
  3. Does the college/university offer your academic program?
  4. Focus on your endgame, consider which college will help you reach your goals.
  5. Investigate college/universities connections with future employers

With colleges/universities being closed to the general public, there are other ways of exploring your options. YouVisit provides you access to over 600 campuses across the united states. Each of the virtual campus tours will provide you with an immersive college tour experience. You can explore each institution through 360 experience or by using VR device to get a more realistic experience. Check it out and start exploring today. 

you got this

How To Help Your Child Manage Anxiety

Post by Sal Becerra, Elite Academic Academy Counselor

It is natural for anxiety to rise during pandemic events and Elite Academic Academy is taking every measure to ensure the safety of all of our students is kept a priority. In working with our families and the greater community, Elite would like to provide all of our stakeholders with some helpful tips on managing anxiety during times of crisis. 

Be open with it

Talking about fears and concerns can help reduce anxiety from building up. It also allows the individual to identify what is making him/her anxious. 

Take Breaks

Take a break from watching, reading and listening to news stories. Dedicating personal time to pandemic events can be very upsetting. Allow yourself to disconnect from upsetting situations. Take time to read a book, play family games, listen to music, journal or create art. 

Practice Self-Care

There are several different ways to focus on self-care, many of which involve making time to get enough sleep, prioritizing healthy meals, ensuring a balance of leisure time in your schedule, and making time for friends. A simple but often overlooked form of self-care is having a self-pampering experience on a regular basis in your own home. Here some ways to practice self-care:

  • Meditation improves a wide range of willpower skills, including attention, focus, stress management, impulse control, self-awareness, and reduce anxiety.
  • Scientists have found that regular participation in aerobic exercise has been shown to decrease overall levels of tension, elevate and stabilize mood, improve sleep, and improve self-esteem. About five minutes of aerobic exercise can begin to stimulate anti-anxiety effects.
  • Getting enough sleep recharges your brain and improves your focus, concentration, and mood reducing anxiety levels.
  • Eating Healthy has many benefits. Sugar is associated with depression and anxiety. Emerging science shows gut health plays a role in anxiety. Eating healthy foods is a great way to practice self-care, important in CBT. Taking active steps to eat a nutritious diet can increase motivation

Let it simply be a part of you that you manage daily

It’s truly OK to be anxious or to have anxiety. We all feel that from time to time. If your child is someone who frequently experiences high levels of anxiety, just treat it as something you have to manage daily.

Personalized support from teachers, counselors, and advisors

We know that anxiety can be very overwhelming to a student. Our teachers and staff are ready to provide the support necessary to help reduce anxiety levels in our students. Students can ask questions through email, phone calls and instant messaging. If they need extra support, our staff can hold a 1-1 online session. Feel free to contact our school counselor at 866-354-8302 Ext. 711 or by email at [email protected]

Please note: this article is not a medical diagnosis, nor are the tips provided above a cure. If you feel your child is experiencing signs or symptoms of anxiety, seek the help of a medical professional.

Four Myths About Blended Learning–Busted!

When it comes to a blended education (a school that incorporates online education into the classroom), the amount of varied “facts” thrown out there can leave you with so many questions it can get overwhelming. Maybe you’ve never attended a blended learning school, or maybe you have a sister whose friend’s cousin’s nephew goes to one.

The bottom-line is: there’s a lot of myths floating around out there, and that’s why we’ve taken some of the top myths and busted them in this post.

1. Schools who use blended learning are as expensive as private schools.

We can easily bust this one. If a school holds a public charter status, it is completely tuition free. It doesn’t matter whether the school is blended, online or both. What matters is whether it is private or public.

District-sponsored charter schools give students the opportunity to get a quality education for free. Some blended learning schools are private and do charge tuition, and that’s why we recommend you do your research and find out what the best fit is for you.

2. Blended curriculum is only simple, busy work

This is a big myth.

A lot of people worry that digital curriculum equates to impersonalized, busy work.

Not true.

In fact, the beauty of a blended model is that students receive an education specifically tailored to them. Students work at their pace and take as much time as needed to grasp each concept. If a student works faster than the others, she is not tied to waiting until the rest of the class is ready to move on; she can continue to learn. If a student is stuck, he can work with an instructor individually until he truly grasps the concept.

3. Blended learning students don’t get enough socialization.

This is another myth that may worry some parents and students.

Being in a blended environment where students spend time on computers could seem isolating, and even thought to have a negative impact on the student’s socialization.

This is far from the case.

Blended schools balance time spent on the computers with several opportunities for interaction with other students. In addition to computer coursework, students participate in traditional coursework, hands-on labs, collaborate on group projects, and can attend outside school events to get to know their peers and socialize.

4. Teachers don’t instruct as much in blended schools

This one is an ongoing myth we are proud to say we can bust!

Because there’s digital curriculum “teaching” students, many seem to think the onsite instructors don’t do much.

In reality, the opposite is actually true.

Blended learning classrooms usually mean small class sizes, which allows teachers to communicate individually with every student to help them receive a more personalized education.

Oftentimes, Elite students find that they communicate much more with their teachers here than they ever did in a traditional setting.

Coming this Fall 2018, Elite will be opening a new Adult 18-26 blended learning program. Details are coming soon, but it will include an award-winning curriculum and qualified, awesome instructors. You can get started with Elite here